
PridePosterStudios Claimed

LGBTQ+ Film Scratch Posters

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Challenging subpar on-screen LGBTQ+ representation through unique and inspiring creations 📽️🏳️‍🌈

PridePosterStudios aims to challenge the negative tropes and subpar representation of the queer community we so commonly see on-screen. Our 100 LGBTQ+ Films Scratch Off Poster has been crafted out of the desire to introduce positively refreshing, trailblazing, if not pivotal LGBTQ+ stories to a wider audience.

Other unique and inspiring creations celebrating Pride Month, Halloween and Christmas put a diverse selection of genres and powerful gay narratives into fun, interactive pieces of artwork.

With each purchase, 10% of profits (after costs and fees) are donated to the Iris Prize, a charity that challenges discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexuality by sharing LGBTQ+ stories on screen.

5% discount off 100 LGBTQ+ Films Scratch Poster using promo code 5TLFD
